This article details on how to create a new authorization with information from existing authorization.

After accessing the patient Authorization module, follow the below steps/ information to copy authorization.

  1. "+" Icon: Click on the "+" icon to select the copy authorization option.
  2. Copy Authorization: Click the option to copy the selected authorization information to the new authorization.



Copy Authorization 

Follow the below steps to copy authorization.

  1. Authorization checkbox: Select the authorization information that you need to copy to create a new authorization.
  2. New Date Range: Select the date range of the authorization.
  3. New Auth#:  Input the new authorization number. This should be a unique number and must be different from the Auth number(#) of other authorizations.
  4. Copy Authorization: Once you have entered all the details, click on the "Copy Authorization" button to create a new authorization. After clicking this button a new pop-up will appear on the screen where you can choose between two options. (Fig. 2)
  5. Copy and Create New: If you choose this option, a new authorization with the chosen information will be created but the old authorization will still be active. 
  6. Copy and Make Inactive: If you select this button, a new authorization will be created and the old authorization will still become inactive.

(Fig. 3)