This article explains how you can create a staff and edit their info. 

How To Create A Staff:

Navigate to the Staff tab, which is the fourth tab in the dashboard menu. To add a new staff follow these two steps. 

Step 1: Select the Type of Staff Member to be added (Fig. 1)

  • Click on the "Add Staff" button that can be found in the top right corner of the screen.
  • You will be presented with two options to choose from. 

a. Provider (Therapist): Select this option if the staff member will provide services to patients and is also associated with billing-related tasks.

b. Office Staff: Choose this option if the staff member will not be providing services but requires access to administrative tools, such as generating billing, payroll, and system configuration.

This details required to be filled for either type of staff are the same. 


Step 2: Staff Bio (Provider or Office Staff) (Fig. 2)

A pop-up will appear requesting the staff's details. Fill in the data and click on 'save'. The asterisk(*) mark denotes that the details are necessary.

  • First Name/Middle Initial/Last Name/Nickname - Type the full name and the nickname(if needed) of the staff member. 
  • Staff Birthday - Add the staff's birthday in mm/dd/yyyy format. 
  • SSN - Input the Social Security Number of the staff
  • Office Phone - Input the phone number staff. 
  • Office Fax - Input the fax number of staff, if applicable. 
  • Office E-mail - Enter the business email ID of the staff member. 
  • Driver's License & Expiration Date - Enter the driver's license ID; if the staff doesn't have a driver's license, you can use the State ID number. Also, add the expiration date in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • Title - Enter the job title of the staff. 
  • Hiring Date with Company - Choose the date of first employment from the calendar. 
  • Credential Type -  Select the staff member's credential type from the dropdown menu. This data is configured from the Add Staff Type tab in Staff Setup menu.
  • Treatment Type - Select the relevant treatment type for the staff. 
  • Individual NPI - Add the provider's NPI ID for billing purposes.
  • CAQH ID - Add the provider's CAQH ID for billing purposes.
  • Service Area Zip - Enter the zip code from which proximity to the patient can be calculated.
  • Termination Date - If the staff member has been removed or disabled, specify the termination date.
  • Language(s) - Enter the languages that the staff is proficient in. 
  • Taxonomy Code - Enter the provider's Taxonomy code for billing purposes. 
  • Background Color - Select the default color for the staff member's appointments in the calendar view.
  • Gender - Choose the gender of the staff. 
If you don't know the details for mandatory feilds, enter zeros.

(Fig. 2)

Once the staff is created, you will be taken back to the main page of “Staff”. 

Staff Access Toggles

  • Create/Edit Session

Enable this toggle to allow providers to schedule sessions.

  • Access to Schedule All Patients

When enabled, providers can schedule sessions for all patients. If disabled, they can only schedule sessions for assigned patients.

  • Access to Schedule All Providers

When enabled, providers can schedule sessions for all providers. If disabled, they can only schedule sessions for themselves.
Note: The "Access to Schedule All Patients" and "Access to Schedule All Providers" toggles are visible only when the "Create/Edit Session" toggle is enabled. 

Note: Only when Provider Access to Schedule All Patients toggle in Facility Setup switched on, will the staff have access to schedule all patients, provided you have enabled the relevant access in Staff Bios.
  • Create Client

Enable this toggle to allow providers to create patients and manage their information.

  • Access Team

Enable this toggle to allow providers to access their team schedules. In TherapyPM, a team consists of providers who share assigned clients. 

  • Access All Sessions

Enable this toggle to allow providers to access sessions of other providers and make necessary changes.

  • Allow Patient Arrived Feature

Enable this toggle to allow providers to track session time and record patient arrival times.

In the staff bio's page, you will also be able to edit the details or fill in the other information such as,  

[Note: Watch the video to get the full visual overview of the article.]