Details related to the employee such as contact info and emergency contact info are entered here:

   A. Contact Details: Employee basic contact information, as needed. (Fig. 1)

  • Address1/Address2/City/State/Zip - Full address
  • Mobile - Cell phone number
  • Fax - Fax (or office fax) number
  • Main Phone - Non-cell-phone or other phone numbers (if applicable)
  • Address Note - Notes relating to the employee's location
  • Emergency Contact Details - Add details for emergency contact (see below)

    B. Emergency Contact Details: Employee to provide information in case an emergency happens, and someone needs an immediate response or to be notified.

  • Contact Name - Name of emergency contact
  • Address1/Address2/City/State/Zip - Full address
  • Mobile - Cell phone number
  • Fax - Fax (or office fax) number
  • Main Phone - Non-cell-phone or other phone numbers (if applicable)
  • Address Note - Notes relating to the emergency contact's position