This provides an overview of the different statuses of all the patients. By clicking on each task, you can access additional information

Expiring Documents in 30 Days

It provides a list of patient files next 30 days. Additionally, you can filter them based on other time intervals of 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, and custom date ranges.

Authorization MIssing

The table provides a list of missing authorizations by patient name.

Expired Authorization

It provides a list of authorizations that expired in the past 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and custom date ranges. 

Expiring Authorization in 60 Days

It provides a list of authorizations that will expire in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and custom date ranges.

Authorization Place Holder

It highlights all the current patients who currently have placeholders for authorization. Billing for these sessions can only be done once the placeholders are replaced with new authorization.

Patient/Guarantor Pay Clients

It provides a list of patients who are paying out of pocket.

Patient Arrival Information

This table records the patient/ session information along with the patient arrival time for when the patient arrival option has been used.

Additionally, you can download all these reports for further review. These downloads can be accessed by clicking on this icon ()