This module explains users how to create new services for any authorization.

Add a new service to an authorization

After creating a new authorization click the "+" icon in the authorization overview dashboard to add a new service to that authorization.

(Fig. 1)

Steps in adding:

  1. Service: Select the service from the list of available services. (To add a new service to the drop-down menu, go to the "Add Services" in the Settings tab).
  2. Service Sub-Type: Select a sub-type for service from the menu. (To add a new sub-type for service to the drop-down menu, navigate to the "Add Service Sub-Type" in the Settings tab)
  3. CPT Code: Select a CPT code from the drop-down menu. (To add a new CPT code to the options, go to the "Add CPT Code" in the Settings tab).
  4. Modifiers: Add any necessary modifiers for billing purposes. 
  5. Billed Per: Select which unit of measure you want to use for billing purposes. The most common is "per unit."
  6. Rate: Select the billing rate applied per unit of measure.
  7. Maximum Frequency allowed: Add the total amount of units allowed for the service in the authorization. This ensures that the practice doesn't overschedule or overbill, and is enforced through the scheduler via the defined rules in the "Create Service Rules" module of Facility Setup.
    1. Hours: Set maximum frequency based on hours. 
    2. Unit: Set maximum frequency based on units.
      • For both choices, select the maximum units allowed per day, week, month, or the entire authorization period.
  8. Notes: Add any additional notes related to the service/CPT code.
  9. Save: After entering the service information, click on the "Save" button. 

(Fig. 2)

Further Actions:

After creating a new service, click on the arrow to expand and view all the entered services for authorization. 

  1. Edit: Click on the pen-paper icon, to edit the details of the service.
  2. Delete: Click on the trash icon to delete the service. If the activity has active sessions, you will not be able to delete the service.
  3. Frequency Warning: If you have not set the maximum frequency units for the service, you will (Fig. 2) this warning symbol indication, that there is no frequency set.

Once you have used the maximum units, you will not be able to render any new appointments. 

(Fig. 3)