This article details on how to create and manage user groups in TherapyPM

Menu Permissions Sub-tabs

  1. User Group - This tab is used to create user groups in TherapyPM.
  2. Group Permissions - This tab provides options to manage menu permissions for the created user groups.

How To Create/ Manage User Groups

The reason for using user groups is to create categorization and organization by assigning providers/ staff under the created user groups which makes it better at managing menu permissions.

  1. Click the Menu Permissions Tab in the left navigation. 
  2. View User Group: User group names will be displayed on the left side of the table. The users within each group will be listed on the right, with checkboxes for individual selection. Each group also features an Action button for managing the group.
  3. Create or Manage User Groups: Click on the "Actions" button in the User Group tab. There are two different ways to do this. 
    1. Clone Access & Map User: If you have not created a new group based on Admin, Provider or Patient access, follow these steps. 
      1. Click on "Clone Admin/Provider/Patient."
      2. Enter the group name and click Add to create the new group.
      3. Select the user from the orginal user group and click on Map User to other group and then choose the group from the drop-down menu.
    2. Map User: If a new group already exists, select the user, click Map User to Other Group, and choose the target group from the drop-down menu. 
      Please note that if you haven't cloned access and created a new group, this tab will appear empty. 
  4. Action Button: For Further actions, use these options. 
    Please note that you would need to select the user(s) before making use of these options. 
    1. Select All Users - Use this option to select all the users in the group.
    2. Clone User Group - This option will create a clone of the group (a screen will pop up asking the user to assign a name for the cloned group) with all the menu permissions of the original user group.
    3. Manage Group Permission - Clicking this option will route the user to the Group Permission tab.
    4. Map User to Other Group - Use this option to move the select user to another group. 
  5. Additional Options for Cloned Groups:
    1. Remove Group: Use this option to remove the group.
      Please note that you will not be able to remove a group unless all the users have been mapped to another group.