This article explains how you can view your scheduled sessions in a calendar form.

To get started with managing your appointments, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Appointment tab that is on the left side of your screen. Within the Appointment tab, select the Calendar View option.

Calendar View Functionalities: 

A. Calendar Display: TherapyPMS has three different display views to choose from. 

  • You can choose between day, week, or month.
  • Navigate to the previous day, week, or month by using the '<' or '>' buttons on the left side of the screen.
  • To view the previous year, simply click on '<<' or '>>'
Please note that the week view is the default option.

Daily View

Weekly View

Monthly View

B. Availablity: You can see the provider's availability and then schedule a meeting. 

  • Switch on the "Availability" toggle and select the provider(s) from the list to view their availability in the calendar view.
  • Click on your desired timing, enter the details of the appointment, and click on "Add Appointments." 
You can also schedule an appointment by clicking on the empty place under a particular day in the calendar. 

C. Include Non-Billable: You can include or exclude non-billable sessions from the calendar. 

  • Switch on the "Include Non-Billable"  toggle to include the non-billable session(s) from the calendar view.
  • Switch off the "Include Non-Billable" toggle to exclude the session(s) from the calendar view.

D. Edit Appointment: You can edit appointment details by following these steps. 

  • Click on the appointment you need to edit and an Edit Appointment screen will pop up. 
  • Make the necessary changes. 
  • Click on the save button and the changes will be saved. 
  • If you need to know the details of the session, locate the appointment and click on the info button (?) to get a preview. 

If you want to add or edit session notes, on the appointment slot and an Edit Appointment Screen will pop up. 

  • Add notes by clicking on the "Add Notes" button. 
  • To view the notes that you have added previously, click on "View Notes".
  • If you want to use a note you have created previously and edit it, click on "Copy Notes".
  • Add Sticky Notes for the session or the patient by clicking on the message icon

To add a replacement provider, click on the plus icon

  • Choose the name of the replacement provider from the drop-down menu. 
  • Enter their start and end time and click on "Save Changes."
  • If you want to add more than one replacement provider, click on the plus icon again
  • If you want to remove any/all replacement providers, click on the minus icon.  

E. Filter: You can apply advanced filters to view specific appointments. 

Click on the "Filter" icon and choose any one of the options

  • Date
  • Treatment Type
  • Patient(s)
  • Provider(s) 
  • Place of service 
  • Status
Note: Date Range is required. Only if you select the desired date range, you can select addiotonal filters. 

F.  Background color setting: You can customize your calendar by clicking on the "gear icon" 

  • Customize the appointments by provider or service. 
  • Choose whether you want to display the provider's first and last initials, the client's first and last initials, or both in each appointment.
  • Choose between three different layout types
    1. Normal Grid View - The appointments will appear without time divisions.
    2. Time Grid View - Time divisions will appear and the appointments will have a background color, irrespective of their status. 
    3. Time Grid Rendered View - It is similar to 'Time Grid View' but the appointments are color-coded based on their status. For Month View, this is the only applicable option.

G. Calendar Sync: You can sync the TherapyPMS calendar with your Google Calendar 

  • Click on the Google Calendar Icon.
  • Choose the Provider Name and the date range.
  • Click on Sync to Google Calendar.
  • If you want to reset the synced calendar, click on the Reset Google Calendar button.

H. Print Calendar: Download a PDF version of the Calendar with this option.

[In the tutorial below one of our experts demonstrates how to navigate the Calendar view.]