This article explains the options found in Patient module. 

Patient Navigation Tab(s)

When you select a patient, you can access the following tabs and make the necessary changes:

1. Patient Info: Patient demographic setup, as well as various other options.

2. VOB: Request verification of benefits for your clients

3. Ins/Authorization: Set up all active authorizations for patients as well as rates and auth rules.

4. Documents: Upload a document to the patient's profile.

5. Patient Portal: Configure options for the TherapyPMS patient login portal.

6. Patient Ledger: View balances and payments.

7. IntakeUpload intake forms and enable the patients to fill them. 

8. Call LogUpload details of a call made to a patient. 

9. Payment Info: Configure the patient's payment details

10. Sibling: Add patient(s) to a primary profile as siblings. 

11. Session NotesView the session notes added to an appointment. 

12. Clinician TeamAssign respective provider(s) to the appropriate patient.