This article explains how you can delete an appointment in all the appointment views. 

You can edit an appointment in all the appointment views.

a) List View

  • To delete an appointment in the list view, navigate to the list view from the dashboard menu. 

  • Filter the appointment based on the date, the treatment type, the patients, providers, service, place of service, status, and notes. 

To delete an appointment, follow these steps: 

a. Select all the appointments you want to delete by clicking on the checkbox and scroll down. 

b. Choose the Bulk Delete option from the drop-down menu.

b) Calendar View

To delete an appointment in the calendar view, navigate to the calendar view from the dashboard menu.

  • Select the appointment that you want to edit and an Edit Appointment screen will pop up. 
  • Click on the trash icon to delete the appointment. 
  • Click on Save Changes.

c) Timeline View

To delete an appointment in the timeline view, navigate to the Timeline view from the dashboard menu.

  • Select the appointment that you want to edit and an Edit Appointment screen will pop up. 
  • Click on the trash icon to delete the appointment. 
  • Click on Save Changes.

d) Recurring Session

To delete an appointment in the recurring session, navigate to the Recurring Sessions from the dashboard menu.

  • Select the date range and filter the appointments by provider or patient
  • Click on the edit icon underneath the action column.
  • Day View:  
    • Select the sessions by clicking on the checkbox. You can select on induvidual sessions on a particular day or click on the day. 
    • From the drop-down option, click on Bulk Delete and Go
    • Alternatively, you can also click on the trash icon to delete a session. 
Note: You can only select one day at a time. 

  • Single View:  
    • Select the sessions by clicking on the checkbox. You can select an induvidual sessions on a particular day or select all the sessions. 
    • From the drop-down option, click on Bulk Delete and Go.
    • Alternatively, you can also click on the trash icon to delete a session.

Once the sessions are deleted, you can revert it from deleted sessions tab.