This article explains how to view deposit details in the Cash Posting module.
- Select the Cash Posting option in the Payment tab under the left navigation.

- Use the filters - Deposit Date Range, Check Date Range, Payee, Payee Name, and Check Number. Click View to generate the required deposits.

- Under the Deposit List, click on the three horizontal dots (...) under the Action column. Click on the "Deposit Details" option under the list. A new table will appear down.

- Alternatively, select a deposit in the list using checkboxes. Choose "Show Detail(s)" from the bottom-left drop-down to view Deposit Details.

- The Deposit Details table consists of the following information - Claim ID, Payee, Payor, Patient, DOS, Code, Modifiers, Amount, Payment, Adjustment, Balance, Status, Auto Forwarding (AF), Secondary Payor, Notes, and Created Date.

- Click the Download icon to save the table in CSV or Excel format.

- To edit deposit details, click the pen icon next to the checkbox. Fields for Payment and Adjustments will appear, along with drop-down menus for Status and Secondary Payor.

- Click the "+" icon under the Notes column to add a note for the deposit. A pop-up will appear. Add the notes and Click Save.

- Drop-Down Option: Use the checkbox in the Deposit Detail(s) table to select the detail(s). Then, navigate the drop-down on the bottom-left corner to select these option(s):
- Save
- Retract Transaction
- Pay as Billed
- Pay as Balance
- Adjust as Billed
- Adjust as Balance
- Add Hint Note
- Update Status
- Bulk Edit

- After selecting the option, click Ok.