This article details on how to view deposit details in the Cash Posting module.
  1. Select the Cash Posting option in the Payment tab under the left navigation.
  2. In the Cash Posting screen, use the filters to generate the required deposits.
  3. In the deposit list, use the Action (...) button and click the Deposit Details option.
  4. The deposit details can also be viewed by selecting the deposit(s) using the checkbox selecting the Show Detail(s) option and clicking the Go button.
  5. The Deposit Detail(s) table has information on the payee, payor, date of service, code, modifiers, amount, payment, adjustment, balance, status, secondary payor, notes, and created date.
  6. Use the filter icon to include filtering options in the generated list.
  7. Click the Download icon to download the table in CSV or EXCEL format.
  8. Edit Icon - Click this icon to make updates to the deposit details.
  9. Click the note icon to add a note for the deposit.
  10. Drop-down option - Use the checkbox in the depost detail(s) table to select the detail(s).
    1. Retract transaction
    2. Pay as billed
    3. Pay as balance
    4. Adjust as billed
    5. Adjust as balance
    6. Add hint note
    7. Update status