The article explains on how to process payroll and route it for submission process.

This is the 1st step in processing staff/provider payroll. 

How to Navigate the Payroll Processing Tab?

Navigate to the Payroll tab on the left. Click on Processing Payroll under the drop-down option. 

  1. Click the Processing Payroll (Step-1) category to start the process.
  2. Use the "Filter By" option to select between:
    1. Pay Period: Let the user select from different pay periods.
    2. Date Range: Let the user select the date range.
  3. Depends on what the user selects in the Filter By option -
    1. For Pay Period, choose the payroll submission period from the list.
    2. For Date Range, select the date range.

  1. Select the staff members from the list to process payroll, then click the View button. This step applies to both selecting a pay period or a date range. 
  2. Click the Download icon on the top right to download the payroll processing list in CSV or EXCEL format.
  3. After clicking the view button, the data table will be generated with the below information:
    • Time & Date
    • Provider
    • Patient
    • Service Location
    • Service
    • Tx Hrs
    • Submission Hrs
    • Hrs. Accepted - This field can be edited by the admin. 
    • Extra Amount
    • Total Amount
    • Mileage
    • Mileage Approved - This field can be edited by the admin.
    • Grand Total.

The fields in the table are the same for both Pay Period and Date Range. 

Drop-Down Options

Use the checkbox with drop-down on the bottom left corner of the list while selecting rows: 

  • Copy from appointments
  • Acceptance Pending
  • Acceptance approved
  • Revert timesheet
  • Save changes

Video Walkthrough

For a live demonstration on Payroll Processing Tabwatch the below video: