This article details on where to view unbillable activities in the facility and how to Revert the sessions.
  1. Select the Unbillable Activity under Billing Setup in the Settings module.
  2. Use the filters to generate the sessions.
    1. Select the date range to view the deleted sessions.
    2. Select the patient(s).
    3. Use the selection field to select the provider(s).
    4. Select the payor(s).
    5. The click Go button to generate the deleted sessions data table.
  3. The table generated will have the deleted session information. The checkbox feature can be used to select the session(s) to retract.
  4. Download Icon - Click this option to download the list in CSV or EXCEL format.
  5. Drop-down option - Use the checkbox to select the session(s), click the retract option from the drop-down field, and click the Save button.