We are happy to have you be apart of TherapyPM!

Thank you for choosing TherapyPM to help streamline your practice management and revenue cycle process. Hang tight as we work to get your TherapyPM software setup to your specific requirements.  In the meantime please note that you will need to complete 5 guided training modules with one of our highly experienced team members during your On-boarding process, before your TherapyPM live date. During this training you will learn a proper workflow for you practice using the software, along with important features, and functions.  We will show you how to best utilize the software features, in order to streamline your claims process to keep revenue flowing.

Guided Training Module 1

This will be an Administrator(s) of your organization that will be required to complete this training section, as they will have the proper credentials to complete the full organizational setup.  These specific settings will apply to staff and all parts of TherapyPM, in order to properly have your organization setup correctly. 

Facility Setup Overview

Facility Setup Profile via settings icon 
Add Insurances
Zone/ Location (Multi Facilities)
Treatment Types
Services Codes/ Cpt Codes/ Services Sub-types
Staff Type
Place of service
Holiday Setup
Pay Period
Template Selection

Staff  Setup

Type of staff ( Provider or Office)

Staff Bio's

Contact Info/ Emergency Contact 

Credentials/ Clearances/ Qualifications

Supervisee/ Non-Supervisor

Payroll Setup

Other Staff setup

Leave Tracking

Insurance Exclusions

Sub-Type Exclusions

Patient Exclusions

Staff Portal

Contract Rate Setup

Upload a copy of the payer contract rate

Adding Rates ( Tx Type, Service, Svcs. Sub-Type, Cpt, Modifiers, Rate per, contracted rate, billing rate, increasing %, Active/ Deactivate, Degree level)

Guided Training Module 2

This training session will be for anyone utilizing Therapy PMS, or any staff that will be inputting client demographics, insurance, and authorizations in.  As a reminder our software does require authorization to be added to any patient that is added, you will have the option to input no auth, if not required, but one must be created in order to schedule and bill out. 

Patient Demographic(s)

Adding a Patient

Patient Info

Insurance/ Authorization- copy rate list (Utilization)


Patient Portal

Patient Ledger

Guided Training Module 3

This training session will be for providers, schedulers, and administrative personnel. Therapy PMS allows you to color change your calendar, drag and drop sessions, multi- provider view/ multi- patient view, and multi-schedule non-billables. Providers can review Timesheets for submission, payroll reports export to CSV, Excel, and PDF format in order to submit to your 3rd party payroll system, as Therapy PMS does not process payroll.  If you have a payroll company with an API, we can definitely talk about integration. 


List View (rendering, hold sessions, cancelled sessions, delete, change)

Calendar View (Day, Week, and Month)

Recurring Sessions

Add/ Edit appointments

Drag and Drop Calendar View

Provider Templates for documenting

Patient Signature/ Provider Signatures

 Payroll/ Timesheets

Timesheet(s) Submission (Day, Week, Payroll Period)

Processing Payroll

Guided Training Module 4

This guided training session will require your biller(s) or billing team to attend. We will go through mock scenarios for practice and then part of the time will have hands on with your team. Billing module will consist of  claims verification, submission, follow-up process/ notating, and payment posting section. We have manual and electronic payment posting.  We are electronical to clearing house. We utilize Office ally, one of our trusted sources, but you are able to utilize any clearinghouse of your choice, please inform upon setup to make sure you will be ready to go for claims submission. 

Therapy PMS Billing Process Protocols

Contract Rate: Payer rate list is pre-uploaded, but will inform for any changes or updates for a fee increase, etc. 

Submit claims process Tab (Cross verifying sessions, dates, units, cpt, pos, modifiers, etc.)

Batching Claims for clearing house Submission

Manage Claims (Holds the claims that have been batched for clearing house submission, pull paper claim form to fax or mail, review details, generate 837 file for clearing house submission, secondary claims)

Utilization of AR Ledger for claims follow-up

Reminder from Module 2 every pt. has a AR ledger tab when clicking into pt. demographics.

AR-Ledger Tab functions

Adding a note/ reasons

Follow update * populates on the dashboard, when due to be followed up on*

View Transactions/ payments

Hyperlink Functions

Payments ERA and Manual

E-Remittance Functionality

M-Posting Functionality


Upload File

Allocated/ Unallocated

Adding a deposit

Print Patient Receipt

ERA Manager Functionality



Process ERA

Guided Training Module 5

This guided training session will go over Therapy PMS reports, this will require your biller or billing team, admin of organization, or any pertinent staff to attend that you would like to learn about this module. Your trainer will review each individual report, showing you mock data, and utilization of the specific reports.  Trainer will provide a quick how to on graphing out the revenue cycle management reporting via excel. Now that you have data within Therapy PMS, we will provide an overview of the Dashboard (home screen, when logging in) and its functionality.  The dashboard is a quick analysis snapshot from each module within Therapy PMS, to provide you with high priority data, that is pertinent to your whole practice.  You can drill down into each section on the dashboard for much more detail.

Therapy PMS RCM reports

Note: All reports can be pulled by Specific Date or Date Range

Trending Reports (Dashboard)

AR Ledger with Balance

Guided Trainer: Provide a quick how to on graphing out a Therapy PMS RCM report for billing.


Dashboard at an overview glance of practice.

Graphs (Insurance Collection by Month/ Payer, Charge Analysis by Service Date, and AR Ledger with Balance)

Today's Task





Trending Reports

On-boarding process provided 5 guided training modules over all of Therapy PMS by one of our highly experienced On-boarding team members and the facility practice management software was completely setup for the Clients  Therapy PMS-Live date.

Thank you again for choosing us to be your all-in-one practice management software and revenue cycle management service provider.  If you opted to not receive RCM services from us, please feel free to contact us at a later date if ever needed in the future, we would love to help you with all your practice needs. Once you have scheduled and completed your 5 guided training sessions, Therapy PMS  should have your practice setup and ready for the Clients Therapy PMS-Live date. Should you require any assistance regarding the software utilization and functionality features, please refer to TherapyPM Knowledge Base Center or utilize the chatbot feature on your Dashboard screen.