Today's Task Box lists tasks that typically require your immediate attention. To deduce, you can click on each task and you will be able to get additional information. 

AR Follow-up Bucket

It shows AR tasks that need follow-up, such as overpayments/underpayments, $0 payments, claim reprocessing, etc. It can also be filtered by date/date range, specific patients, specific insurances, CPT codes, and specific aging reasons (as listed previously).

Provider Escalation

It outlines the provider tasks that need follow-up, such as a missing NPI and other issues that could delay a claim. It can also be filtered by date/date range, specific patients, specific insurances, and CPT codes.


This table provides information about the patient auth requests submitted by staff for the facility. The table can filtered by using the auth name on the search bar, and also provides the option to create a new auth request.

Auth Follow-Up

The table shows the auth request that needs a follow-up from facility staff. The auth requests can be searched by the auth name.


It lists all the Verification of Benefits requests created by the staff along with all the VOB information. You can again oversee the status, preview the document, and take appropriate action. Users will also have the VOB request creation option on this screen.

Client Intake

It lists the intake forms submitted by each client. You can oversee the status, preview the document, and take appropriate action.

Document submission workflow

The table lists the sessions with documentation added by the patient and provider. It can also be filtered by patient, provider, POS, date/date range, status, notes, and locked status.

Client VOB

It lists all the Verification of Benefits requests that have been sent. You can again oversee the status, preview the document, and take appropriate action. Users will also have the VOB request creation option on this screen.

You can download these reports for further review. These downloads can be accessed by clicking on this icon ()