This artcile details on how providers/ staff can submit timesheet(s).
How to Submit and Manage Your Timesheets:
The timesheet submission module can be accessed in the provider portal by clicking the Timesheet(s) tab in the left navigation.
- In the timesheet submission module, use the filter options to generate the timesheets for the provider by payroll period and status. Then, click the Go button to generate the timesheets.
- Day selection - This option filters the timesheets by days (can be used as a second filter layer).
- Download icon - Click the download icon to download the list in CSV or EXCEL format.
- Timesheet table - The timesheets generated for the provider in the selected period will be available. Below is the information in the table -
- Date.
- Provider Name.
- Patient Name.
- Activity.
- Time in - This field can be edited.
- Time out - This field can be edited.
- Hours.
- Rate.
- Extra amount.
- Total amount.
- Mileage rate.
- Miles - This field can be edited.
- Grand total.
- Submitted status - If the status shows a "Tick Mark", it is submitted. If the status shows "X", it is not submitted.
- Drop-down option - Use the checkboxes in the table to select multiple rows and select the desired option from the drop-down list.
- Save changes - Use this option to make any changes to the timesheet in the table.
- Submit timesheet - Use this option to submit a timesheet.