This artcile details on how providers/ staff can submit timesheet(s).

How to Submit and Manage Your Timesheets:

The timesheet submission module can be accessed in the provider portal by clicking the Timesheet(s) tab in the left navigation.

  1. In the timesheet submission module, use the filter options to generate the timesheets for the provider by payroll period and status. Then, click the Go button to generate the timesheets.
  2. Day selection - This option filters the timesheets by days (can be used as a second filter layer).
  3. Download icon - Click the download icon to download the list in CSV or EXCEL format.
  4. Timesheet table - The timesheets generated for the provider in the selected period will be available. Below is the information in the table - 
    1. Date.
    2. Provider Name.
    3. Patient Name.
    4. Activity.
    5. Time in - This field can be edited.
    6. Time out - This field can be edited.
    7. Hours.
    8. Rate.
    9. Extra amount.
    10. Total amount.
    11. Mileage rate.
    12. Miles - This field can be edited.
    13. Grand total.
    14. Submitted status - If the status shows a "Tick Mark", it is submitted. If the status shows "X", it is not submitted.
  5. Drop-down option - Use the checkboxes in the table to select multiple rows and select the desired option from the drop-down list.
    1. Save changes - Use this option to make any changes to the timesheet in the table.
    2. Submit timesheet - Use this option to submit a timesheet.