Other Payroll and Billing related configurations for Staff

  1. Max Hours For Day - Set a limit as to how many hours a single staff member may be scheduled for sessions in a single day
  2. Max Hours For Week - Set a limit as to how many hours a single staff member may be scheduled for sessions in a single week
  3. ADP Employee ID - Designate ADP ID which can appear in payroll-generated reports
  4. Provider Level - To be updated
  5. Custom2 - Any information added here can be added to custom reports
  6. Custom3 - Any information added here can be added to custom reports
  7. Custom4 - Any information added here can be added to custom reports
  8. Custom5 - Any information added here can be added to custom reports
  9. Custom6 - Any information added here can be added to custom reports
  10. Highest Degree - Highest Education completed
  11. External Software ID - Can be added to reports to help file exports and upload
  12. Checkbox Options - 
    1. Is eligible for paid time off - PTO will be calculated in payroll reports if this is selected
    2. Exempt Staff - Select if staff is exempt/salaried, used for payroll
    3. Gets paid holidays - Holidays will be calculated for pay in payroll reports if this is selected
    4. Is Parttime - Select if staff is designated as a part-time employee
    5. Is Contractor - Select if staff is not W2 staff
    6. Prevent Provider Render Without Notes(for catalyst users) - Will prevent session transfers to Catalyst if this provider does not complete notes
  13. Tax Type/Box 24J/ID - Change the ID Qualifier for billing and data inside Box 24J whenever this staff is batched for billing. Drop-down option for ID Qualifier are, but not limited to - ZZ, 0B, 1B, G2, etc.