This article explains all the shortcut icons and features available.


A. Profile Settings: You can review your profile data and edit it by clicking on your name on the top right hand on the screen. 

  • My Profile - Click on this tab to review and edit your details.
  • Change Password - Click on this tab to change your password. You would need to add a new password and confirm the new password. 
  • Sign Out - Click on this button to sign out of your account.

B. Notifications: If there are any intake form submissions or VOB form verification, you will be notified here. 

  1. Click on the notification button.
  2. Click on View More to review more notifications you have received in the past.
  3. You can filter the notifications and choose between "All", "Read" and "Unread".
  4. Select notification(s) and make them all "Read", "Unread" or "Delete" them.
  5. To review the document, click on the file under the Type column. 
  6. If you click on the names of the clients, you can review their information. 
  7. The open mail icon indicates that the notification and the document are reviewed. The closed mail icon indicates that it hasn't been reviewed. To change the status of the notification, just click on the icons. 

C. Downloads Tray: If you have downloaded any document or report, you can review them here.

  1. Click on the download icon.
  2. Click on View More to review all the documents you have downloaded in the past.
  3. You can review the file, the date on which it was downloaded, the person who downloaded it, and the status of the download.
  4. To share the downloaded item with password protection, click on "Export" and a small tab will pop up. Enter a password twice and share it with the recipient. You can also share it without encryption. 

D. Messaging: You can communicate with other staff(s), provider(s), or clients. 

  • Click on the chat icon. 
  • Locate the person you want to talk to. 
  • You can share documents or images and can also view all the files you have shared with the recipient. 

E. Announcements: You can be updated on all of our new features and enhancements by reviewing these notifications. 

  • Click on the announcement icon. If you have any unread announcements, you will see a red button here. 
  • Click on the announcement and review it. 
  • You can also review all the announcements we have made in the past by clicking on "TherapyPMS Channelog."

F. Add or Create: You can take the following actions by clicking on this button. 

  1. Create New Patient: Click on "Create Patient", input the required details, and click on "Save". Read this article to know more. 
  2. Create New Appointment: Click on "Create Appointment", enter the details, and click on "Add Appointment". Read this article to know more.
  3. Eligibility & Benefits - To request eligibility for the clients, click on "Request Eligibility", fill out the form, and click on "Request Eligibility'. Read this article to know more.  
  4. Send Fax: Enter the fax number, choose the file to be faxed, and click on "Send Fax".
  5. VOB Request: Create a new VOB request and review all the previous requests to make necessary updates or edits. 
  6. Auth Request: Create a new Authorization request and review all the previous requests to make necessary updates or edits.
  7. Send Broadcast Message: Send a message to your clients and team that can be reviewed upon logging in. 

G. Maximize: Click on the "full screen" icon, to expand and maximize your screen. To exit, click on the "Esc" button. 

Please note that these shortcuts can be accessed from any tab.

Video Tutorial 

For a live demonstration of how to navigate the patient tab, please see the below video