This article explains how to access telehealh session from the Patient Portal.

The Telehealth video conference feature can be accessed through the Patient Portal. To access and start your telehealth appointment, follow these steps:

  • Log into the Patient Portal.
  • Identify the appointment in the Calendar View. To access the appointment, you can do either of these two ways as mentioned in this article:
    • Locate the telehealth appointment in the calendar (marked with a video icon) and click on it. A pop-up will appear.
    • In the pop-up screen, click the Start Telehealth Appointment button to begin the video conference session.
    • During the start of the session, a pop-up screen will appear for telehealth acknowledgment. 
    • Review the instructions, and click on the Start Your Session button. 
    • A new tab will open. Enter your name to join the meeting.

      Features in Video Conference Interface
      • Mute/unmute video
      • Mute/unmute audio
      • Full-screen option
      • Share window/screen
      • Enable chat during the call. 

        A screen shot of a video call

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