This module is used to view the session notes associated with an appointment for the relevant patient.

How to view session notes:

A. Navigate to the patient tab from the navigation bar at the left side of your screen and select the specific patient to access their information.

B. After selecting the patient, click on the "Documentation" option to access all the details regarding the patient's appointment sessions.

C. Review the notes associated with the respective sessions. You can use the filter option to narrow down to specific appointments. 

D. Under the Notes Column, click the session notes block to open the notes in a different tab from that session. 

  1. Lock: If the notes have a red lock icon, it indicates that the note has been finalized and locked.  
  2. Delete: If the notes are not locked, you will see the detele icon to delete the notes. 
Please note that only the admin can unlock a note or delete it. 

E. Action (...) Button: Click on the three dots to access further actions.  

  • New Template
  • View/ Edit Notes
  • Copy Notes