This option is used to view the session notes associated with an appointment for the relevant patient.

This option allows you to view and manage session notes linked to the patient's appointments. You can view, edit, upload notes, and control access permissions. You can determine who can access specific notes and manage patient access. These features also help in tracking the edit history of session notes. 


How to manage session notes from the patient info module?

  • Navigate to the blue navigation bar on the left side. Select Patient.                       (Fig.1)

  • Under the Patients list, select your preferred patient.                                                       (Fig.2)

  • After selecting the patient, click on "Documentation" on the left, where you can access all details about the patient's appointment sessions.                        (Fig.3)

  • There are two tabs: Documentation and Chart on top. Click on Documentation. 


  • Review the notes associated with the respective sessions in the list. You can use the filter option to narrow down to specific appointments - Provider, Place of Service, Date, Status, Notes, and Locked. 



  1. The gear icon on the top right corner symbolizes the Settings icon. 
  2. As you click on it, a pop-up Provider Note Access will appear. 
  3. Select the Access Type - All Providers, All Supervisors, and Rendering Provider. 
  4. Click Update to save changes!                                                             (Fig.6)



This option consists of three horizontal dots (...) on the Action column (right). It enables access to further actions like:

  1. View/Edit Notes: View and edit the corresponding session note. 
  2. Copy Notes: Copy an already created session note to create a new session note. 
  3. Upload Notes: Upload a note from the local drive. 




The Notes column (second right) shows the note added to the particular appointment. It also provides additional information about the note - whether locked or unlocked. 

  1. Click the note block to view the session note.
  2. The red trash icon allows you to delete the session note. 
  3. Settings icon: The same as the provider session note access option available on the top right. 
  4. Note access toggle: Turning the toggle on enables patients to access and view the corresponding note.



  • Clicking on the name of the session note under the Notes column will show the session note history (Fig.5)
  • The names and updated timestamps will be available in the table.
  • The time zone will be the facility time zone
  • Click the eye icon under the Action column to view the session notes. 
  • Add/edit changes to the session notes.


Please note that only the admin can unlock a note or delete it.