This module is used to manage recurring sessions that have been scheduled

Access the manage recurring session module

1. To manage recurring sessions, click the Recurring Session option under the Appointment Tab. 



2. To generate the recurring session, select either patient or provider from the first drop-down (1) and make your selection in the second drop-down list (2). Click Go (3) to generate the recurring session scheduled for that respective patient(s) or provider(s). Once the sessions are generated, click the Action Icon (4) to edit any given session.



3. The edit recurring session module has two functions:

  • Editing recurring session (Box A)
  • Extend recurring session (Box B)
  • Managing recurring sessions (Box C)

Editing recurring session

All the recurring session information (Box A) can be edited and then the session can be saved by clicking the Save button.

Extend recurring pattern

To extend the current recurring pattern, select the end date from the date range selection. Then, click the Create Session(s) button to create the appointments with the same recurring pattern until the new end date (Box B).

Managing recurring sessions

All the individual sessions in the recurring session can be managed in two ways - Day View and Single View (Box C).


Manage recurring sessions

Recurring sessions can be managed in two ways - Day View and Single View

Day View

The Day View option will organize the scheduled individual sessions by day of the week (from Monday to Sunday).

With the Day View option, you will be able to perform two actions - 

  1. Delete session - Sessions can be deleted individually or can be deleted in bulk.
  2. Move session.

I. Delete Session

Follow the below steps to delete recurring session(s):

1. Access the day view screen by clicking the Day View Tab (A). You will be able to perform individual appointment deletion and bulk delete functions.

2. Delete individual appointments- 

    Individual appointments can be deleted by clicking the Delete Button (D) of the respective appointment.

3. Bulk delete-

To start bulk delete, first, select the Bulk Delete option from the drop-down option (E).  Multiple individual sessions can be selected by clicking the checkbox (C) of the respective session or clicking the day checkbox (B) to select all the appointments on that day.

4. Then click Go (F) to delete the selected appointments.

You will only be able to select sessions under one day at a given time and will not be able to perform appointment selection across multiple days

II. Move Session

Follow the below steps to move session(s) from one to another day:

1. Access the day view screen by clicking the Day View Tab (A).

2. To start the session move function, first, select the Move to option from the drop-down option (E).

3. Select appointments by clicking the checkbox (C) in the appointment box or by clicking the day checkbox (B) to select all the appointments on that day.

4. After selecting the appointments, select the day you want to move the appointment to from the second dropdown list (F).

5. Then click Go (G) to move the selected appointments.

You will only be able to select sessions under one day at a given time and will not be able to perform appointment selection across multiple days

Single View

The Single View contains a tabular list of all available recurring appointments sorted by their start date. In the single view, you will be able to only delete appointments.

Follow the below steps to delete appointment(s) in the single view:

1. Click Single View Tab (A) to access the tabular list of recurring appointments.

2. To delete an individual appointment click the Delete Icon (D) in the respective appointment row.

3. To delete multiple appointments-

Select individual appointments by clicking the checkbox (C) in the appointment row or click the select all checkbox (B) at the top.

4. Then select Bulk Delete (E) from the dropdown option.

5. Click Go (F) to delete multiple appointments.

Video Tutorial 

For a live demonstration of how to manage recurring appointments see the below video