This tab provides a full list of staffs employes in the practice. 

View and Manage All The Staff(s)

The Staff(s) tab is the fourth tab on the main navigation menu. It allows you to access and oversee information about your employees and make necessary modifications.

(Fig. 1)

Within this tab you can do the following: 

(Fig. 2)

A. Add Staff - To add new staff, whether they are a provider or office staff, click on the "+Add Staff" button.

(Fig. 2.1)

B. Filters - Utilize the search bars to filter your staff list based on criteria such as Name, Credential Type, Phone, Email, Language, and Status.

(Fig. 2. 2)

C. Staff Name - Search for a specific staff member by entering their name or clicking on their name to access their individual information.

(Fig. 2. 3)

D. Schedule - By clicking on "View" under the schedule column, you can view a particular staff member's work schedule and create appointments as needed.

(Fig. 2. 4)

E. Status - Adjust the status of a staff member by toggling between "active" or "inactive."

(Fig. 2. 5)

F. Download - You have the option to download the list of staff members in either PDF or CSV format for your convenience.

(Fig. 2. 6)