This tab provides a full list of staffs and employees in the practice.
TherapyPM helps you take control of staff management effectively. It allows you to add, organize, and track staff details, schedules, statuses, and leave information. No more hassles with multiple paperwork and tabs!
View and Manage All The Staff(s)
The Staff(s) tab is the fourth tab on the main navigation menu (left). It allows you to view, manage, edit, and update employee information as per your requirements.
As you navigate through the Staff module, you can see a list of Staff within your facility. It displays all the important details of your staff - Name, Credential Type, Phone, Email, Language, Schedule, and Status. Additionally, you can also filter the search underneath the headings for specific patient(s).
Features of Staff Module
The Staff module consists of the following features as explained below:
- Click on the orange "+ Add Staff" button in the top right corner above the Staff list.
- Choose whether you are adding a Provider (Therapist) or the Office Staff.
- It will redirect you to the respective pages for editing or updating the staff info.
It highlights the days off (approved or pending) for providers/staff with filters in a Calendar view.
- Click on the blue Staff Wallchart button on the top right side of the Staff list.
- In the top right corner, you can see the leave types granted within your facility. According to that, it denotes the leave type taken by providers/staff on the respective dates.
- To view specific leave taken by the provider(s), use the filters:
- Date/Date Range: Select the date range for the leave days.
- Filter By: Use the drop-down to filter and view leave types based on the locations of your facilities.
- Pending Request: Toggle ON/OFF whether to view leaves with pending requests or not.
- Click on the three horizontal dots beside the Staff Wallchart button, in the top right corner above the Staff list.
- It will provide options to download the Staff list in three different forms - PDF and CSV. You can also download the Detailed CSV.
- Choose your preferred staff(s) and click on their name in the list. It will redirect you to their Bio page.
- Access or edit their information personally.
Utilize the search bars underneath the headings to filter the staff list when searching for specific staff(s) or provider(s). You can filter seamlessly under each of these criteria.
- Select your preferred staff/provider in the Staff list.
- Click on "View" under the Schedule column (second right). It will redirect you to the Manage Appointment page.
- View/create appointments and schedules as required.
Update the status of the respective provider/staff in the drop-down under the Status column.
- Active: These staff members are visible in the list and available for assignments or scheduling.
- Inactive: These staff members are temporarily hidden from the Staff list and cannot be assigned tasks or schedules. However, they remain in the system.
- Archive: These staff members are permanently removed from Active lists. The system preserves their records but is not accessible for future assignments.
Video Walkthrough
For a live demonstration on Staff Tab Overview, watch the below video: