Our most popular shortcuts and reports

To drill down, click on the hyperlinked reports for additional information.

Can be used to download any individual report for further review.

Schedule Billable

A shortcut to the appointment list view, which will allow you to edit sessions in bulk. This includes but is not limited to, rendering and canceling sessions.

Payment Deposits

Clicking the hyperlink redirects to the cash posting section. A shortcut to the cash posting section- reflects payments that have been deposited, ERA, paper checks, and patient payments.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reports

Key Performance Report by Month, Patient, and Insurance in Real-Time helpful snapshots of your practice are standing about cash flow and collections. Will generate a file you can utilize to identify specific areas where money needs to be collected or disbursed, to balance the books.

In the tutorial below one of our experts demonstrates how to navigate the trending report section of the dashboard view.