The patient ledger option provides information on the patient's current balances and payments

Access the patient ledger

  1. Select a patient from the "All Patient" screen.
  2. In the patient info screen, select the "Patient Ledge" option.
  3. In the patient ledger option, users will navigate through the below fields/options to generate the patient AR ledger:
    1. Patient: The name in this field will always default to the current patient.
    2. Select Date: Select the date range for the AR ledger generation.
    3. CPT Codes: An additional filtering option by CPT codes
    4. Aging Status: Filter by various kinds of statuses, such as Corrected Claim, Provider Escalation, etc.
    5. View: Click the button to generate the AR ledger.
    6. Zero Paid: Toggle whether zero paid balances are visible or not.
    7. Download: Click to download the generated AR ledger.
  4. After the AR ledger is generated, more options will be available to navigate through the information.
  5. Under the action column, the user will be able to add notes or view follow-up:
    1. Click the "+" icon under the Action column to add notes. In the Add/ Edit note screen add the notes and click Save.
    2. Click the "callout" icon from the action column to view any AR follow comment from the team.
  6. Click any line item from the generated ledger and select options from the drop-down option at the bottom.
    1. View transaction: Select any item from the generated ledger and then select "view transaction" option and then click Go. The transaction details will be avaialble below the drop-down option.
    2. Add note: Notes can be added or edited using this drop-down option.