Click on Primary Billing Manager option under the Appointment Tab in the left navigation.

A. Process Claims: Click the Processing Claim(s) tab.

See below the steps to process your claim(s):

  1. Select the To date from the calendar selection.
  2. Click the Generate button.
  3. Select the insurance from the list.
  4. Sort by (1) selection - Select one of the options to filter the data. 
  5. Make a selection from the list like patient or provider or any other filter.
  6. Sort by (2) selection - This selection is optional. 
  7. Click on the Go button to generate the data table.

B. Processing Claim(s) data table 

  1. After clicking on 'Go', you would see a table.
  2. You can review the information to check if everything is correct.
  3. Select all or specific claims, then choose the required action from the drop-down options and click on Save