This article explains how you can edit an appointment in list view and calendar view. 

You can edit an appointment in two ways.

   a) List View

   b) Calendar View

a) List View

  • To edit an appointment in the list view, navigate to the list view from the dashboard menu. 
  • Filter the appointment based on the date, the treatment type, the patients, providers, service, place of service, status, and notes. 

To edit an appointment, follow the below steps. 

1. Select the appointments you want to edit and scroll down. 

2. Update Status: Change the appointment status by choosing from the drop-down option. 

3. Bulk Audit: Audit all the notes at once. You can choose if the note is passed or failed. 

4. Bulk Update: Update the activity, time, provider, and place of service. 

5. Bulk Delete: Delete the selected sessions.

Edit Session Using Action (...) Button

You can also edit a session by clicking on the three dots under the action column and selecting 'Edit Session'.

After clicking the Edit Session button, on the next screen users can update all the session information. Along with adding session notes, view notes, copy notes, add sticky notes, and add session breaks.

Note: Only the unlocked appointments can be edited. 

b) Calendar View

To edit an appointment in the calendar view, navigate to the calendar view from the dashboard menu. 

  • Select the appointment that you want to edit and an Edit Appointment screen will pop up. 
  • Make the necessary changes. You can edit the authorization, service, provider name, place of service, date, time, and status. 
  • Once you have made the changes, click on "Save Changes"
  • This screen also offers additional options to add sticky notes to the session and add session breaks upon clicking the Actions button.
  • The patient arrived button is also available to denote that the patient has arrived for the scheduled appointment.

Note: If the appointment is locked, it cannot be edited.