This article explains how you can assign respective provider(s) to the clients

How To Assign Provider(s):

A.  Click on the Patient Tab from the left navigation bar and select the desired patient. 

B. Once you've selected the patient, click on "Clinician Team" located at the left end of your screen. This feature allows you to select individual providers or a group of providers that provide care to the clients and assign them to the respective patient. 

C. Select the name(s) of the provider(s) from the list and click on the "Add" button. 

You can only select one name at a time, however if you hold down "Shift" key while selecting or click on a provider name and drag down, you can choose mupltiple providers.

D. You can view all the 'Assigned Providers' on the right side of the screen. 

E. To remove a provider, you would need to follow a similar process. Click on their name found under "Assigned Providers" and click on "Remove".