A. Manage AR Ledger with CPT Wise Option: Click the CPT Wise Tab.

See below the steps to manage claim(s):

  1. Sort by (1) selection - Select one of the options to filter the data.
  2. Make a selection from the list like patient or provider or other filter.
  3. Select date range.
  4. CPT codes.
  5. Aging Status.
  6. Zero paid toggle.
  7. Click the View button

B. CPT Wise AR-Legder data table - See below the information available in the table.

  1. Patient Name - Click the name to view the patient profile.
  2. Provider Name (24-J)
  3. DOS
  4. CPT code
  5. Unit
  6. Date billed
  7. Allowed amount
  8. Paid amount
  9. Adjustment
  10. Balance amount
  11. Insurance name
  12. Claim No - Click to view the claim.
  13. Status
  14. Note - If a note is added to the claim, the icon color will be colored. Click the icon to view the added note.
  15. Action
    1. Add Comment
    2. View Comment

C. Drop-Down Selection - Select the claims using the checkbox(s) use the drop-down option and click the OK button.