This article explains how to create an appointment in provider portal. 

Create An Appointment in the Provider Portal

To create an appointment in the provider portal, follow these steps. 

A provider will have the ability to create an appointment only if the admin provides that option for the specific provider. 
  1. Plus Icon: Click on the plus icon on the top right-hand portion of your screen. Alternatively, you can also schedule an appointment by clicking on the empty space on a specific date in your calendar, 
  2. Create Appointment: A drop icon will appear that will suggest three options: Create Patient, Create Appointment, and Request Eligibility. 
  3. Create Appointment Popup: When you click on the button "Create Appointment", a pop-up will appear requesting appointment schedule details.
    1. Appointment Option: You can choose to create a "block off time" or "No-Auth Session"
      1. Block Off Time: If you toggle this switch on, you can create a block of your time. Choose the date, start timing, and end timings and add a description, that specific time will be blocked. 
      2. No-Auth: If the appointment doesn't require an auth, toggle on this switch and fill in the required details 
    2. Appointment Type: You can choose if the appointment is 'Billable' or 'Non-Billable'. You can also choose between 'Individual Therapy' or 'Group Therapy.'
      1. Billable appointments will include services that are eligible for billing, such as supervision and direct behavior therapy. 
      2. Non-billable appointments will include services that are payable but not necessarily billable (such as training or office time). When Non-billable is selected, certain fields will be automatically filled and locked, this is by design.
      3. Individual Therapy will let you schedule an appointment with one client. 
      4. Group Therapy will let you schedule an appointment with multiple clients. 
    3. Patient Name: Select the patient name using the dropdown option.
    4. Auth: Choose the desired authorization from the dropdown menu to use for scheduling the patient appointment. (This will be automatically populated when you select the name of the patient. However, you can edit it.) 
    5. Service: Choose the type of service from the drop-down menu. (This will be automatically populated based on the authorization when you select the name of the patient. However, you can edit it.)
    6. Provider Name: Assign the provider for the session by choosing their name from the drop-down menu.
    7. POS: Select the place of service from the drop-down menu. (If you opt for Telehealth, schedule the visit first. Later, return to the created session to officially start the Telehealth visit.)
    8. From Date: Choose the date of the session. 
    9. From Time/ To Time: Select the start and end time for appointment(s) by typing the time or by clicking on the clock icon.
    10. Status: Select the status from the drop-down option. There are various options available in regard to the status of the appointment, such as Scheduled, No Show, Hold, Cancelled by Client, CC more than 24 hours, CC less than 24 hours, Cancelled by Provider, Rendered.) Select the option that fits the appointment. [P.S - "CC" is short for "Cancelled by Client]
    11. Recurrence pattern: This option will allow you to schedule ongoing services for a patient. Click the toggle to turn it on (it will turn teal colored), and it will also enable the specific options below, which normally would not be visible.
      1. Recurrence Date: You have two different options to select the time for recurring sessions. You can either choose a Till Date or Occurrences
        • Till Date - Choose an end date for your recurring sessions, which must be one day after the actual physical scheduled date of the patient's appointment. For example, if the patient is being seen on June 20th, you would set the end date as June 21st.
        • After Occurrences - Use this option to have the sessions recur for a certain number of occurrences.
      2. Options: You have the flexibility to customize the session recurrence:
        • Repeat Every - This option allows you to set the frequency of sessions. You can choose from three options: day, week, or month. For instance, you can choose to set the session to reoccur every 2 days.
        • Repeat On - You can also choose specific days of the week for reoccurrence. For example, if you choose both Monday and Friday, sessions will be scheduled for all Mondays and Fridays up until the chosen end date. 
    12. Add appointment: Finalize all of the details and schedule the session.

See the below tutorial created by our expert on "How to create an appointment".