This article explains how the clients can upload documents.

How To Add Documents in Client Profile:

Click on "My Info" on the dashboard menu and click on "Documents".

Documents Screen
The document screen is divided into two parts:

a. Documents

b. Intake Forms

A. Documents

Click on the "+ Add Document" button. When a small box pops up, complete the following steps: 

  • Description - Describe the document in a few words.
  • Expiry Date  - Choose the expiry date of the documents. 
  • Type - Select the type of document. 
  • Upload File - Select the appropriate document from your system.
  •  Finally, click on 'Upload'. 

Once it is updated, it will reflect on a tabular form for future reference. To view the document, click on the eye icon. For editing, click on the pencil icon.

B. Intake Forms

To access the intake forms and complete them, read this linked article.