This article explains how you create or edit payroll setup. 

Table of Contents

  • How to Create a Pay Period
  • How to Create Earning Code
  • How to Create Calculations

1. How to Create a Pay Period:

A. Navigate to the settings tab from the navigation menu located on the left side of your screen.

B. Locate and click on the "Payroll Setup" option to configure the necessary payroll details.

C. Click on the "Create Pay Period" button and a new screen will pop up. 

Pay Period is the default view.

D. Fill in the following details. 

    a. Select Pay Period length - Choose the pay period length from the drop-down menu. 

    b. Week Day - Select the day when the new week begins in your company. 
    c. Select year - Choose the relevant year from the options. 
    d. End Date - Determine and then select the deadline for submitting the timesheet. 

    e. Check Date - Choose the check date for the pay period. 
    f. After how many days staff can't submit the timesheet - Input the submission limit for the timesheet.

E. Once you have entered the required details, click on save.

(Fig. 1.1)

Other Actions:

1. To view a calendar representation of the Pay Period, click on "Calendar View."

2. To edit the pay period, click on the pen-paper icon. 

3. To delete one or more pay periods, select the pay period(s), scroll down, and click on 'Bulk Delete'.

(Fig. 1)

2. How to Create Earning Code:

Follow the steps A and B as outlined in the previous section.

C. Click on the "Earnings Code" tab and then click on the "Create Earning Code" button. 

(Fig. 2)

D. A new screen will pop up where you will need to update the

    a. Code - Enter the earnings code

    b. Description - Write the description for the earnings code. 

E. Once you have entered the required details, click on save

(Fig. 2.1)

Other Actions:

1. To edit an existing earning code, click on the pen-paper icon. 

2. To delete a single earning code, click on the trash icon. 

3. For bulk deletion of multiple earning codes, select the earning code(s), scroll down, and click on 'Bulk Delete'.

(Fig. 2.2)

How to Create Calculations:

Follow the steps A and B outlined above.

C. Click on the "Calculations" tab and then click on the "Create Calculation" button.

D. A new screen will pop up where you will need to enter the description for the calculation type. 

E. Once you have entered the required details, click on save

(Fig. 3.1)

Other Actions:

1. To edit an existing calculation description, click on the pen-paper icon. 

2. To delete a single calculation description, click on the trash icon. 

3. For bulk deletion of multiple calculation descriptions, select the calculation(s), scroll down, and click on 'Bulk Delete'.

(Fig. 3)