This article explains how you can create/edit diagnosis code. 

Steps to add/manage Dx Code:
To add a diagnosis code, please follow the below steps.
A. In the Settings tab, navigate to Billing Setup and locate "Diagnosis Library"
B. Click on "Add New Dx Code" and enter the following details

  1. Tx Type: Select the therapy type from the drop-down menu. 
  2. Dx Code: Enter the appropriate code for diagnosis.
  3. Description: Type the description for the diagnosis code. 
  4. Click on the 'Save' button. 

C. Once you have added a new diagnosis code, it will appear on the Diagnosis Library's main page. 

D. Search Filters - Use the filters such as Tx type, Dx code, and description to locate the Dx Code. 

E. For further actions, follow these steps:

  1. Active: When you create a new diagnosis code, it will be automatically activated. To inactivate it, click on the toggle underneath the Active column. 
  2. Edit: To edit the diagnosis code, click on the edit icon (pen-paper symbol). 
  3. Delete: To delete a diagnosis code, click on the delete icon (trash can symbol).