Add a new deposit by clicking the Add Deposit button in the Cash Posting screen. Edit a deposit by clicking the Edit Deposit from the Action (...) button

  1. Select Payor Type - Select the payer type for easier navigation.
  2. Patient - Select the patient's name from the client's history.
  3. Deposit Date - Manage the deposit date of the check received.
  4. Payment Method - Select what method of payment was made such as cheque card cash credit EFT.
  5. Check # - Enter the check number manually.
  6. Check Date - Select the check date for easier search.
  7. Amount - Manually update any amount in this space.
  8. Unallocated Amount - you can mention any Unallocated amount in this section.
  9. Notes - Add side notes for reference.
  10. File - Upload a document or attachment.