This article explains how the clients edit their info in the client portal.

Editing Client Information in the Client Portal

Clients can edit their information using the client portal. To make changes, follow these steps:

A. Click on "My Info" from the navigation bar. 
B. Edit any information that requires an update. The details entered by the admin/provider at the time of the creation of the profile would be there. It is important to note that some details would not be able to be modified.

a. First Name: Input the patient's first name.

b. Middle Name: Input the patient's middle name.

c. Last Name:  Input the patient's last name.

d. Date Of Birth:  Select the date of birth from the calendar. 

e. Gender: Choose the patient's gender from the provided drop-down. 

f. Relationship: Select the patient's relationship for insurance purposes from the drop-down list.

g.  Address: Enter the patient's residency details. There will be separate fields for street, city, state, and zip code.

h.  Phone: Provide the patient's contact number and select the type (e.g., work, cell). You can add additional phone numbers. 

i. Email: Input the patient's email address and select its type (e.g., work, cell). You can add additional email addresses. 

j. POS: Enter the service location, such as office, school, home, etc.

k. Region: Specify the service region.

l.  Default Timezone: Choose the timezone of the client.

m. Race & Ethnicity: Choose the patient's race from the drop-down menu.

n. Preferred Language: Select the patient's preferred language from the drop-down menu. 

o. First Date Seen: Input the date of the initial assessment. [THIS FIELD CANNOT BE EDITED.]

p. Referred By: Select the referring physician or doctor who directed the patient to the facility for service. 


q. Assignment: Select Yes to accept the assignment or No. [THIS FIELD CANNOT BE EDITED.]

r. Guarantor Information: Input the guarantor details for billing purposes. To fill in the details, you need to check the box that says "Is Guarantor Available?"

s. Guarantor First name: Enter the guarantor's first name. 

t. Guarantor Last NameEnter the guarantor's last name.

u. Guarantor Date of Birth: Select the date of birth of the guarantor from the calendar.

v. Guarantor Address: Input the guarantor's address. If the patient and the guarantor share the same address, check the box that says "Same as Patient Address."

w. Patient Notes: Include any relevant notes about the patient.

x. Upload Patient Signature: Upload the patient's signature for future paperwork convenience.

Once you have edited the details, click on the "Save Patient" button.