Rendering an appointment is the term used when a provider completes the scheduled appointment along with adding session notes with the appointment.

Render an appointment

Step 1: Add the Replacement Provider

If your usual provider is unavailable and another provider has stepped in to deliver the services, it's important to document this change before proceeding with the session. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Access the appointment details.
  • Include the replacement provider's details along with the start and end times of their involvement by clicking on the plus icon.
  • Ensure that this information is accurately entered before the session begins.

Step 2: Update Appointment Status

After the session has been completed, update the appointment status to indicate that it has been rendered. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Access the appointment details.
  • Change the status of the appointment to “Rendered”.

Step 3: Add Session Notes

Once you have rendered the sessions, add the notes. Here's how to add session notes:

  • Post-session, access the appointment in the calendar view.
  • Locate the "Actions" icon and choose "+Add Session Notes"
  • Chse the required note from the drop-down option.
  • You can also “view” these notes or “copy” them and modify.

Step 4: Include Provider and Patient Signatures

Lastly, add both the patient and the provider signatures, for billing and legal purposes. Follow these steps to add signatures:

  • Access the session notes you've created.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the notes page.
  • Click on the respective "Provider Signature" or "Patient Signature" option, depending on the signature you need to add.
  • Insert the signature if you didn’t add them when you created the notes.

For the Provider Signature, - you can choose to copy it from your profile, session notes, or draw it digitally. Similarly, for the Patient Signature, you can choose to copy it from their profile, previous session notes, or create a digital version.