Group Therapy Appointment helps providers schedule a billable appointment for two or more patients within a single session. All the patients involved in this must possess active authorization(s). 

To schedule a Group Therapy Appointment, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to the top of the Dashboard and click on the "+" icon. 
  2. Select Create Appointment. A pop-up Add Appointments will appear. 
  3. Select Group Therapy. A pop-up Group Therapy will appear with fill-in details. 

How to Navigate the Group Therapy Pop-up?

  1. Patient Name: Select the patient’s name using the dropdown option.
  2. Service: Choose the type of service from the drop-down menu. (This will be automatically populated based on the authorization when you select the name of the patient. However, you can edit it.)
  3. Auth: Click this option to view the authorization information of the patient. 
  4. Plus “+” icon: Click this icon to add more patients to this appointment. You can also add their Auth. 
  5. Provider Name: Assign the provider for the session by choosing their name from the drop-down menu.
  6. POS: Select the place of service from the drop-down menu. If you opt for Telehealth, schedule the visit first. Later, return to the created session to officially start the Telehealth visit.
  7. Address: Choose their billing address or null if they don't have a proper address. 

    (New screenshot)

    (Old Screenshot)
  8. From Date: Choose the commencing date for the session. You can check the provider's availability for the selected date by clicking on the orange Availability button. 
  9. From Time/ To Time: Select the start and end time for appointment(s) by clicking on the clock icon. 
  10. Note: Enter any additional information for the appointment in this field.
  11. Recurrence pattern: This option will allow you to schedule ongoing services for a patient. Click the toggle to turn it on (it will turn teal colored).
    1. Options: You have the flexibility to customize the session recurrence:
      • Repeat Every: This option allows you to set the frequency of sessions. You can choose from three options: day, week, or month. For instance, you can enable the session to reoccur every 2 days.
      • Repeat On: You can also choose specific days of the week for reoccurrence. For example, if you choose both Monday and Friday, sessions will be scheduled for all Mondays and Fridays up until the chosen end date.
    2. Recurrence Date:
      • Till Date: Choose an end date for your recurring sessions, which must be one day after the actual physical scheduled date of the patient's appointment. For example, if the patient was seen on June 20th, you can set the end date as June 21st.

  1. Status: The drop-down provides a multitude of options - Scheduled, No Show, Hold, Cancelled by Client, CC more than 24 hours, CC less than 24 hours, Cancelled by Provider, and Cancelled - Rescheduled. Select the option that fits the appointment.
  2. Save: Finalize all the details and schedule the session.