This article explains how to submit the provider timesheet. 

Scheduled appointments can be viewed in the List ViewThey are marked as Rendered by selecting the status as "Rendered" in the Edit Appointment screen.

Once rendered, the status will display Rendered in the Status column. The appointment remains unlocked (indicated by a turquoise unlocked icon) until the timesheet is submitted. 

The timesheet for the appointment gets auto-generated once the session is rendered. 

  1. Navigate to the Payroll module on the left. Under the drop-down, go to Timesheet(s). 
  2. On the Timesheet(s) Submission screen, choose a filter option in the "Generate Timesheets By" field:
    1. Pay Period
    2. Sessions Rendered Till Date. 
  3. If you choose the Session rendered till date option, select the To Date, which means that all the timesheets until the selected date will be generated. Also, select the Staff and the Status. Click on Go. 
  4. If you choose the Pay period option, select the Choose Payroll Year from the list. Then, choose the Payroll Period from the list. Click on Go. 
  5. The timesheet data table displays all timesheets generated based on the applied filters. Unsubmitted timesheets are indicated by a Red X icon in the Submitted column. 
  6. Identify the unsubmitted timesheets to be submitted. Select them by using the checkbox in the data table. Then, select the Submit Timesheet option in the drop-down list (bottom left). Click the Go button.
  7. A pop-up will appear. Choose your selection and click the Proceed button to submit the selected timesheets.
  8. The submitted timesheets will have a Green Tick icon under the Submitted column in the table. The timesheet will move to the Payroll Processing module.

    Note: Appointments linked to submitted timesheets are marked with a Grey Lock icon in the List View, indicating they cannot be edited.