This artice details on how to create and manage Auth Request.

TherapyPM simplifies the process of creating and managing Auth Requests for patients. You can view, search, and filter existing Auth Requests, add new ones, and even download the list of requests as a CSV or Excel file, and much more! 

How to manage Auth Requests?

Click the "+" icon on the top of the Dashboard. Select the Auth Request optionIt will redirect you to the Auth Request page with the list of requests. 

The Auth list screen contains all the auth requests submitted along with the information.  

(Added a new screenshot) 

  1. Use the Search Name filter to generate the designated list.
  2. Below is the information in the table -
    1. Name.
    2. DOB - This field can be used as a filter.
    3. Auth Requested Type.
    4. Attachments.
    5. Type of Request.
    6. Date Initiated - This field can be used as a filter.
    7. F/W Up Date - This field can be used as a filter.
    8. Status - This field can be used as a filter.
    9. Auth Note.
  3. Download Icon - Click this option to download the list as a CSV or EXCEL format file.
  4. Auth Request - Click this button to create a new Auth Request.
  5. Auth Note - Click this icon to view any added auth note.

How to create an Auth Request?

In the Auth Request screen, click the Auth Request button to create a new auth request. Enter the below information in the next screen.

  1. Status: Select the status of the auth request.
  2. Patient Name: Select the patient name from the list. Click the "+" button to add more patients.
  3. DOB: Fill in the patients' date of birth from the calendar given in the drop-down. 
  4. Auth Request Type: Select the type of auth from the list.
  5. Type Of Request: Select the type of request from the list.
  6. Remarks: Enter required remarks for the auth request, if any.
  7. Choose Files: Upload required files, if any.
  8. Save: Save changes finally!