This article explains how to manage menu permissions for user groups in TherapyPM.

The Group permission module provides options to select user groups and add/remove menu permissions based on requirements. The user group has to be created before managing the group permissions. Click here to read the article on how to create user groups.

How to Manage Group Permissions?

  1. Click the Menu Permissions tab on the left navigation.
  2. Then click the Group Permissions tab to access the module.
  3. The Group Permission screen displays all the main tabs on the left side of the table and their corresponding options on the right, each with a checkbox for selection. 
  4. Click the orange drop-down button on the right side of the screen to select the user group for which you want to customize access. 
  5. After selecting the user group, use the checkboxes to add or remove access to features for that group. Click the Save button to confirm your selections.
    Note: All the users in the group will only have access to the selected menu permissions.