This article explains how you can add and manage your CPT codes. 
  • In the Settings tab (left), navigate to Billing Setup and click on "CPT Codes".
  • Here you will see the list of CPT codes that have been added in the past. 

How to Manage CPT Codes?

Options: Review the list of CPT codes that were added previously. 

  1. Search Filters: Use filters such as Tx type, CPT Code, and the description field to locate the CPT Codes.
  2. Edit CPT Codes: Click on the edit (pen-paper) icon to edit the CPT code details. 
  3. Delete CPT Codes: Click on the delete (trash) icon to delete the CPT codes. 
Note: You will be able to delete the CPT code only if they are not in use. 

How to Add CPT Code?

Click on the "Add New CPT Code" button to add a new CPT code. A new screen will pop up where you can add the CPT code. Enter the information below: 

  1. Tx Type: Choose the treatment type from the drop-down menu. 
  2. CPT Code: Enter the CPT code.  
  3. Description: Enter the description of the CPT code. 
  4. Save: Once you have added all the details, click on Save.