This article explains how you can create and edit a patient. 

TherapyPM allows you to create and edit a patient seamlessly in one place, without having to navigate through multiple tabs or keeping records. The software stores it all!

Creating a New Patient

To create a new patient or edit an existing patient, please follow these steps: 

  • Click on the "+" icon at the top of the screen. Select Create Patient. Note: You can do this from anywhere in the software. It doesn't require you to go to a specific module. 

  • A pop-up Create Patient will appear, requesting you to fill in the required patient details. Note: The asterisk(*) mark denotes that the details are required.

    1. First Name: Type the patient's first name.  
    2. Last Name: Type out the patient's last name.  
    3. DOB (Date of Birth): Select the date of birth.  
    4. Gender: Select the gender.
    5. POS (Place of Service): Select the Place of Service. 
    6. Parent First Name: Type the parent's first name. 
    7. Parent Last Name: Type the parent's last name.
    8. Email Address: Type the email address of the client. You can provide a work email or a personal email. Check the box "Email Reminders" if you would like TherapyPMS to send any reminders via email.
    9. Phone Number: Type the phone number of the client. You can provide a work email or a personal email. Check the box "SMS Reminders" if you would like TherapyPMS to send any reminders via messages. We do charge additionally for this.
    10. Status: Choose the status from the drop-down option.
    11. Insurance: Select the insurance of the patient from the drop-down menu.
    12. Additional Information: Click on the green plus "+" icon to add more information. This will appear in the Patient Notes in the Patient Info screen. If you do not want to add any information, click on the red minus "-" icon.

    13. Create & Continue: Once you have filled in all the data, click on "Create & Continue."

Note: You can send a portal invitation to the client by toggling ON the "Portal Invitation" icon. 

Once you have created a new patient, you will receive a notification Redirection! It will ask you whether you would like to Proceed to the patient's profile. Click on Proceed if yes. 

Viewing and Editing the Patient Details

After creating the new patient, you can view and edit the patient details by following these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the blue Dashboard on the left. Go to the Patients Tab
  2. In the All Patients List, you can view your preferred patient and their essential information. For precise results, filter your preferred patients or their information by utilizing the search bar below the headings. 
  3. Click on the preferred patient. It will redirect you to the Patient Info screen. You can add or edit information according to your preferences. 

Here's a breakdown of the components in the Patient Info screen:


  1. First Name: Enter the patient's first name.

  2. Middle Name: Enter the patient's middle name.

  3. Last Name Enter the patient's last name.

  4. Suffix: Enter the patient's suffix.

  5. Preferred Name: Enter the patient's preferred name.  

  6. Date Of Birth:  Select the date of birth from the calendar. 

  7. Gender: Choose the patient's gender from the provided drop-down. 

  8. Relationship to Insured: Select the patient's relationship for insurance purposes from the drop-down list.

  9. Parent First Name: Enter the parent's first name. 

  10. Parent Last Name: Enter the parent's first name.

  11. Address: Enter the patient's residency details. You'll have separate fields for street, city, state, and zip code.

  12. Phone: Provide the patient's contact number and select the type (e.g., work, cell). You can also opt for notification via message.  

  13. Email: Input the patient's email address and select its type (e.g., work, home). You can choose to send notifications via email.

  14. Default POS: Specify the default service location.

  15. Region: Specify the service region.

  16. Insurance: Select the payor from the drop-down menu.

  17. Member ID: Input the Member ID.

  18. Patient Notes: Include any relevant notes about the patient.

  19. Additional Information: Add any additional information.

  20. Upload Patient Signature: Optionally, upload the patient's signature for future paperwork convenience.


  1. Race & Ethnicity Details: Choose the patient's race from the drop-down menu.

  2. Preferred Language: Select the patient's preferred language from the drop-down menu. (Fig. 2 on 3 pg. of add patient)

  3. Date First Seen: Input the date of the initial assessment.

  4. Assignment: Select an option from the drop-down option. 

  5. Treatment Type: Select the treatment type for the patient from the drop-down option. 

  6. Default Provider: Add the default service provider's name.


  • Name: Enter the name of the patient’s emergency contact. 
  • Relationship: Specify the patient’s relationship with the emergency contact. 
  • Phone: Enter the emergency contact’s phone number.  
  • Email: Enter the emergency contact’s email address. 



  • Referring Provider: Select the patient’s referring provider from the drop-down. 
  • Phone: Enter the physician’s phone number. 
  • Fax Number: Enter the physician’s fax number.
  • NPI: Enter the physician’s NPI number. 

Note: As you select the referring provider from the drop-down, the other fields will auto-populate. However, you can still update them manually as you prefer.



This section allows you to input details regarding the patient’s treatment plans and diagnoses. 

Click the orange “+ Advanced Options” button on the bottom left to expand the section. 

  1. Treatment Selection: Choose the appropriate treatment type from the options available:
    1. Behavioral Therapy
    2. Mental Health
    3. Multi-Disciplinary
    4. Music Therapy
    5. Occupational Therapy 
    6. Physical Therapy
    7. School District 
    8. Speech Therapy 
  2. Physician Type: Select the physician offering this treatment, from the drop-down. 
  3. Referred By: Select the referring provider who recommended the treatment. 
  4. Diagnoses Fields: Enter up to four diagnoses related to the treatment. It allows providers to document multiple conditions as required. 
  5. Save Patient: Save changes to ensure all updates are stored in the system!

Note: If the patient is in the process of receiving multiple treatments, repeat the process for each treatment type as required. 

Video Tutorial 

For a live demonstration of How to Create a New Patient, please see the below video

For a live demonstration to Manage Patient Info tab, please see the below video