Tired of scheduling appointments for regular patients manually each time? Don't worry anymore! TherapyPM allows you to set a pattern for recurring appointments with a separate feature. You don't require multiple tabs or slots. Just a click is enough! 

Follow this article to learn how to schedule a recurring session with TherapyPM! 

Creating A Recurring Session

  1. Click the “+” icon in the dashboard view and select Create Appointment. A popup "Add Appointments" will appear.
  2. Select your preferred appointment from the appointment type list to create a recurring session - Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Non-Billable, No Auth, and Block Off Time. 

  3. In the appointment pop-up  screen, select: 
    1. Patient name
    2. Active Auth(s)
    3. Service
    4. Provider Name.
    5. POS.
    6. From Date.
    7. From Time.
    8. **To make an appointment recurring, click the Recurrence Pattern toggle.**
    9. Status

     How to Make the Appointment Recurring?

  1. Click the Recurrence Pattern toggle to provide more options for the recurring pattern. There are three repeat options:

    1. Day Repeat Option (B): The recurrence happens for the 'n' number of days based on the Repeat Every (A) count. This will continue until the Till date (C) as the auth end date. 
      For example - If the repeat every (A) count is 1 the sessions are scheduled for every day until the end date. If the repeat every (A) count is 2 the sessions are scheduled every alternate day and so on. 
      The Repeat On (D) option is used to specify which day the recurrence will happen. This selection should be made to complete the appointment creation process. Select the Till Date (C) as the auth end date. Select the Status (E) as scheduled. Then click Save (F) to schedule the appointment.

    2. Week Repeat Option (B)The recurrence happens weekly in this pattern. For example - if the Repeat Every count (A) is 1 the sessions are scheduled every week until the end date. If the Repeat Every count (A) is 2 the sessions are scheduled every alternate week. The days during which the session will be scheduled are the Repeat On (D) selection. This selection should be made to complete the appointment creation process. Select the Till Date (C) as the auth end date. Select the Status (E) as scheduled. Then click Save (F) to schedule the appointment. 

    3. Month Repeat Option (B): In this pattern, the sessions are scheduled every month or so based on the Repeat Every (A) count. For Example: If the Repeat Every count (A) is 1 the sessions are scheduled every month on the first date of the appointment. If the appointment is scheduled on August 05, 2024, with an end date of Nov 10, 2025, and the Repeat Every (A) count is 1. Appointments will be scheduled on Aug 05, Sep 05, Oct 05, and Nov 05. The Repeat On (D) selection process denotes the days the sessions must recur. This selection should be made to complete the appointment creation process. Select the Till Date (C) as the auth end date. Select the Status (E) as scheduled. Then click Save (F) to schedule the appointment.