This articles explains how you can add and manage your services. 
  • In the Settings tab, navigate to Billing Setup and click on Add Services.
  • In here you will see the list of services that have been added in the past. 


A. Service List - Review the list of services that was added perviously. For further actions, 

  1. Edit - Click on the edit (pen-paper) icon to edit the service details. 
  2. Delete - Click on the delete (trash) icon to delete the service. 
    Note: You will be able to delete services only if they are not in use. 

B. Search Filters - Use the filters such as Tx type, Service type and search field to locate the service.

C. Timesheet - Click on the timesheet toggle to ensure providers can submit their timesheet for the specific service.

D. Service color - Assign a particular color for the service. This will enable you to customize your calendar by service.

E. Add Service - Click on "Add Service" button to add a new service. A new screen will pop up where you may add the service details.

  1. Tx Type - Choose the treatment type from the drop-down menu. 
  2. Service Type - Choose if the service is Billable or Non-Billable. 
  3. Service - Enter the description or name of the service. 
  4. Earning Code - Choose the earning code from the drop-down menu. 
  5. Calculation Type - Choose the calculation type from the drop-down menu. 
  6. Mileage - Add the Mileage rate for the service.